02nd September 2019
Current Coffee Market
Instant coffee is huge in Britain. The rise of coffee has been phenomenal since it arrived and there does not seem to be any signs of it lapsing, with instant coffee playing a massive part of this. Instant coffee was introduced to bring ease and speed to those of us drinking coffee at home. It is estimated that 95 million cups of coffee are drunk in Britain every day. This staggering amount is largely supported by instant coffee which begs the question if anything really could make instant coffee sales decline.
According to the Mintel Group, between the years of 2012-2017 the coffee market achieved an 11 percent growth, which is very positive considering the factors that could have seen this weaken, such as Brexit and the constant increase prices of imported coffee. Although instant coffee still remains the most commonly consumed coffee in the UK there is a constant threat brewing under the surface that is beginning to break through.
The new threat
Instant coffee is being challenged by the growth of coffee beans and coffee pods. Whilst we’re not saying that instant coffee will suddenly become desolate as it is still the most highly consumed coffee, people are starting to get more of a ‘premium’ taste for coffee which means they are wanting to get the coffee they buy in the coffee shops at home. This is where the introduction of coffee pods and ‘at home’ coffee beans have come from.
The British consumer is keen on quality, and why shouldn’t we be? Surely everyone wants their drinks to be perfect every time. This is what coffee companies thought and subsequently started making machines that could fit in the homes of the consumers. The Euromonitor International Report suggests that 77 percent of Brits drink coffee at home, whilst the older generation still enjoy a good cup of instant coffee it is the younger generation that is pushing for the more exclusive coffee at home. With the introduction of coffee machines for the home becoming ever more popular, there doesn’t seem to be a reason as to why coffee pods and coffee beans will decline, really the coffee industry expects this to just grow and grow, quite rapidly, especially with the ease the coffee machines have introduced.
What does this mean for instant coffee?
Despite the rise of other coffee home brewing, instant coffee still holds a significant and important role in the coffee industry and honestly, it won’t be going anywhere for quite some while. However, to keep up with current trends, instant coffee does potentially need new ways to be noticed in the market. The reasons why instant coffee was produced in the first place still hold a lot of value today and should not be ignored. So to answer our opening question, no, instant coffee has not met its match but it may see a dip in sales whilst other ways of drinking coffee are becoming so more readily available.
Coffee Bags
Part of what we do here at John Street Beverage is to keep up to date with any trends within the coffee industry to make sure you are always having the best products to give your customers an experience that makes them come back time and time again. We are aware the appeal of instant coffee is the speed and ease that comes from having all the work done for you except the water and milk, and it was something we wanted to be able to make sure that we could still adhere to.
In order to do this, we looked at drinks that were already out there that are loved for their speed and convenience, and what better than the good old cup of tea. Britain’s most loved drink isn’t given that name by chance, there is nothing better than a good cup of tea, especially if you’re in a rush and need something quick. With this in mind, we’ve combined Britain’s love of instant coffee with their love of an easy drink. Our Street&Co coffee bags do everything you need them to. They provide a high end, premium coffee with the convenience that is needed without substituting any of the great flavours. Our coffee bags are 100% Arabica beans originating from South America. Quick, simple, and great tasting coffee. What more could you want?
They are perfect for hotels or pop up stalls, where self-use and simplicity is key. Available in both original and decaf, and with a handy step by step guide on the back there really is no easier way to enjoy a great tasting coffee.
Call us on 01322 381380 or email orders@vaccodadev.com to order today!